Corporations, Partnerships, & LLCs
Corporations, Partnerships, & LLCs
However, understanding the differences between a corporation (Inc.), a partnership, and a limited liability company (LLC) can be overwhelming. Each entity structure can take on a variety of formats each with different requirements both on how they are setup as well as how they are maintained.
Our firm can help you understand the differences between the legal entity structures available as well as the associated liability and tax treatments associated with them.
Let us serve as a guide to help you make the most informed decision on which structure best fits your business and personal needs.
We can also help you with the following:
- Corporate Governance
- International Business Structures
- Venture Capital & Startups agreements
- Private Equity Structures
- Asset Protection
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Voluntary Dissolutions
Are you an entrepreneur starting a new business? Contact us for a free 30-minute consultation to review your business and explore which type of legal entity best fits your needs.